Was German goalkeeper Tony Schuhmacher bribed before the World Cup Final 1986 against Argentina ??


Dear football supporters and fellow truth seekers,

 I am a football fan from Hannover in Germany and one question i have been asking 
myself for decades now is the following:

Was the legendary German goalkeeper Tony Schumacher bribed before the World Cup Final 1986 against Argentina and subsequently let all the goals in deliberately ??

Because that is exactly how it looked like for me in those days when I was watching it live on television with my friends and mates. And that is exactly how it looks like for me even today:

And especially at the last and decisive goal Schumacher leaves his line much to late allthough the Argentine player makes a bad late touch and that is exactly when Schumacher should have reacted and reached and blocked the ball, 
but instead he makes - just like at the second goal - some kind of alibi tackle and misses the ball completely and subsequently the game was lost for Germany.

After the game Schumacher said immediately in his very first  interview: I played and saved like 'an arse'.
and this statement took the wind out of the sails of his critics, but for me personally even today it looks like he let these goals in deliberately.

But almost all the other observers see and saw it differently and Schumacher was later this year (1986) voted the best footballer of this year in Germany and furthermore he was awarded the Silver Ball for apparently being the second best player of the Workld Cup Tournament - 
after the legendary Argentinian player and obvious cheat Diego Maradona.

Later Schumacher worked as a goalkeeping coach for different Bundesliga Clubs and eventually
 became president of his home football club 1. FC Köln (FC Cologne).

Please contact me and tell me how you saw and see this behaviour of Tony Schumacher,

I am very interested in different opinions and by the way corruption
 in sports seems to be one of these big lasting taboos as if it wouldnt exist at all

A concerned football fan from Germany.

So long. Carsten Schulz,....


0176 434 72044


in the mideighties there were 2 attempts in Germany to kidnap Schuhmachers  2 young children !! One succeeded and could have been a warning 


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