Was German goalkeeper Tony Schuhmacher bribed before the World Cup Final 1986 against Argentina ??
Dear football supporters and fellow truth seekers, I am a football fan from Hannover in Germany and one question i have been asking myself for decades now is the following: Was the legendary German goalkeeper Tony Schumacher bribed before the World Cup Final 1986 against Argentina and subsequently let all the goals in deliberately ?? Because that is exactly how it looked like for me in those days when I was watching it live on television with my friends and mates. And that is exactly how it looks like for me even today: #F ussball WM 1986 Deutschland - Argentinien (Original Rolf Kramer) Fussball WM 1986 Deutschland - Argentinien (Original Rolf Kramer) I have been watching football matches for more than 50 years now and I have never ever seen a goalkeeper jumping beneath or for a cross and not even trying to reach it, which would be the reasonable thing to do, just do confuse the attackers of the opposite side. And it actually looks for me as if he co...